Ive just started using this app, and I really like it. The first time I went through a ready-made program, I was blown away by how easy it was to follow. It really is your own one-on-one yoga class. I love that I can just press start and then not interrupt my flow by having to press anything else (unless you wish to change the music [Eastern Promises is my fave], skip a pose, pause, or finish early - all great options for personalizing the sequence to your level/mood/any time constraint).
With that said, there a few things I find a little frustrating. Perhaps these will go away with time, as I become more familar with the app, or perhaps they have not yet been addressed by the app creator. I find designing my own program challenging, as the pose database is organized by Sanskrit names; I havent found the option to search by English. Ive been using Google to translate, which seems like an unnecessary step for those of us not too familar with the original Sanskrit terms. Also, the poses are clumped together in groups like sitting & twisting poses, standing poses, etc, but I find a lot of the poses dont fit the category theyre in! For example, a seated pose will be in the standing category; confusing! And, when browsing poses to add to your program, you are unable to read about the pose; you may only see a thumbnail and then add it. In other areas of the app, there is a thorough breakdown of each pose, but I think it would be nice to have that option while putting together your own program.
One more thing! The ready-made programs are great, and I would love to see more of them, including more programs that are shorter in length. I think part of the appeal of this app for myself, and likely others, is the convenience to fit in a little yoga whenever you get the chance, but most of the programs are 40-60 (or more) minutes long. I know an hour of yoga is a pretty usual length of time, but it would be nice to have more options for those of us who arent quite at the guru stage, and like fitting in full programs, say, anywhere from 5-30 minutes long, when we need the boost. Right now, the Sun Salutations (four, I think; one each at the beginner, intermediate, advanced, and guru level) seem to be the only sequences that fit this criteria. It would be nice to have more options.
Thats it! I took the time to write such a thorough review because I really believe in this app, and would love to see it go further. I think its worth the money, I use it tons, and I look forward to seeing any future incarnations of All-In Yoga. Namaste!
Josha88 about All-in Yoga, v1.3